Refund and Cancellation Policy

Once funds are received, all fees paid for purchasing your ADA software fix from The Growth Consortium, LLC are non-refundable. All modifications and implementation of the Growth Consortium’s changes to your website will begin shortly after the funds are received.  By purchasing your ADA Fix from The Growth Consortium, you acknowledge that The Growth Consortium does not make any representation, warranty, or specific guarantees other than, The Growth Consortium will install and continue to monitor the enhancements made to your website for maintenance and/or any future updates for a sum of $199.00/yr .

We auto renew all yearly Maintenance and Upgrade fees per our Terms and Conditions policy. To stop the auto-renew process, contact our office via email at Our hope is that you see the difference your investment has made with protecting your website or Online Store or Blog or Web Page and observe the effectiveness of our work in action. It is company’s like yours that will be able to help reach the Disabled Community, while enhancing your reach into an entirely new niche in the marketplace.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express Discover credit cards & PayPal. A payment charged to your credit card or PayPal account is processed in U.S. funds at the then applicable foreign currency exchange rate.  If the price shown is denominated in a currency other than US$. We are not responsible for any discrepancies between bank exchange rates, bank card exchange rates, Internet posted exchange rates, etc. Checks & Money Orders are not currently accepted online. If you are unable to pay using your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover or PayPal credit card accounts, please contact our office at 317 506-5303 to make alternate payment arrangements.

For any further information, email us at: